UTILITIES A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 UTIL001 SCROLL Four machine code screen scrollers (one for each direction) HEADREAD Tape file header reader, useful for manual tape to disk transfers BREAK 48k Machine code BREAK key disabler 64 PRINT Print in 64 columns from basic via printer channel 3 BUFFER 48k keyboard buffer, stores all keypresses regardless of typing speed 128k UTILS screen, ram, colour, 128 colour palette suite of utilities 128k CAT Catalogues all files and lengths on 128k and +2 ramdisk (! drive) SAMPLER Audio sampler program. 128k version can handle over a 90k sample DATA TYPE Convert Machine code into basic DATA statements TURBO Speed up your files from 25% to 100% by making them turboloaders DISSASSEMBLER Full machine code disassembler utility & instructions CLOCK 48k Interrupt driven digital clock, as seen in AlchNews 2 FILL Machine code fill routine, will colour in blocks or segments of the screen COPYTAPE 3 Reliable tape copier, handles up to 40k in 48k mode MENU Machine code program to replicate the 128k menus, very easy to use SPECTAGRAF Graphic sound to light display FONT GRABBER Examine and remove fonts from programs with the Multiface 128-48 FLIP Swaps between 128 & 48 mode at any time (+3 version also available) REMSTORE Store machine code, fonts or screens in a Basic REM statement HEADLESS Program to load and save headerless tape files MFRAMDISK Needs Multiface & Interface 1. New commands give a 8k Ramdisk RELOCATOR Move code around RAM with automatic address relocating SPECSOUND Useful, extractable sound FX routines in one program TASUTILS Change colours and add a multiple copies routine to Tasword 2 MAP Microdrive cartridge memory map STREAMS Gives all details on stream and channel usage UTILS1 Simple UDG & Font editor program UTILS2 128k ZX print, block line delete and renumber utility DELETE Block line delete stored in printer buffer (48k mode) KEYTYPE Type all keywords in full like in 128k editor mode KFYDEF 48k. Reprogram ANY key like the BBC - even NEW DLS NOT PD! Menu program for any disk system, just adapt the syntax to suit CODER Encode & decode short programs to an encrypted code format KEMPSTON Interrupt driven Kempston joystick interface reader CSD+D Danial Cannon's Character Set Designer MINSTREL 48k Interrupt driven music program & accompanying files TASVIEW View Tasword 2 files without the need of Tasword UNLOCK Unlock and list mergeproofed programs SYSVARS Various demos to show different uses of the system variables UTIL002 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 ZOOM Magnify any part of the screen to various degrees +D POKE Adds a new command to the +D DOS, letting you enter Multiface pokes GAUNTLET Allows Gauntlet 2 to work with the +D connected ARROW Interrupt driven moveable arrow pointer around the screen POURER 'Pours' a screen picture onto the screen MERGEPROOF Make your basic programs mergeproof MEMCHECK Various programs to give bytes used / free and program length MONITOR Hexadecimal machine code monitor / checksum reader WRAPPER Neatly Tabulates and wordwraps all text written in DATA statements BASICODE Information file to save basic programs as machine code +D RECOVER Recover accidentally lost +D files, or alter their file types +D CLOCK Continuously running interrupt clock, stored in +D DOS +D SNAPLOADER Allows better snaploading via a WIMP system WINDOW Romanian program to place a window around the screen DIRECTORY Romanian file header reader EDITPLUS Allows cursor keys to move UP & DOWN in a edited line GUN UTILS NOT PD Details & simple guide programs on using the 128k lightgun in Basic SUPERPRINT Display text on the screen in any size required, with wordwrap DlGlTSOUND Romanian sound sampler COMPRESS Compress your screen pictures to around 4k and add an M/C displayer SCROLLER Create your own triple height text scrollys SWITCH Switch between three 16k programs in the 48k at once. REFORM Change 64 column files into reformatted 32 column HISCORES Hi-score subroutine system for inclusion in your own games OVALTEEM Fast outline & filled oval display routine SHADCOPY Shaded printer dumnp program SEARCH2 Allows you to inspect ASCII & alter any part of RAM BASIC>WM Converts basic programs to Wordmaster format BASIC>TAS Converts basic programs to Tasword 2 DATA>TAS Converts data statements to Tasword 2 PHONEDEC Convert old London 01 to 071/081 numbers STARTER Creates a colourful front end for inclusion of your own games MENUMASTA Menu designer / editor FORTH Slow but reliable Forth Interpreter SUPERCOPY 48 The best tape copier around (handles turbo) SUPERCOPY 128 The best (and only?) 128k tape copier. Can handle 125k files! TURBOTOOLS Good basic programming toolkit SHOW ME ASCII / HEX file lister NP3 48k Interrupt driven notepad, accessed by pressing two keys SK1 As above but with sysvars & hex lister ANSIGRAPHS ANSI graphics program. BILL Menu driven bill calculator. Weekly, quarterly or annual options. BITPOKER Set or reset a single bit of any byte in memory. RENLMBER A +D renumber program. An EXECUTE file type MEMFIL Use to fill an area of memory with any value instantly DUBPIN Utility to turn a 9 pin dot matrix printer into a 16 pin machine NEWCLEAR Clears streams on any Spectrum COUNTER A short basic utility for a neat counter display POSLIST Prints a list, screen or printer of positions of the 16 * 16 DUBPTN fonts LEAVER Merge into your programs to copy and move lines to use elsewhere DOSCOP +D Will load PC files and convert them to Spectrum format (+D only) MULTICOPY +D two drive disk copier QUIKCOP2 +D file copier. Requires a 2 drive system. TRANSIT THE +D Tape to disk to disk to tape copier, even handles PC & PCW disks FILETEST Excellent and fast disk and file +D tester DIGIDUMP Dump to a printer. UTIL003 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 DUBTEX Double height text routine. VECTOR 3D wireframe vector graphics. CIRC High speed circles. SCROLLY Upward pixel scroll routine. Includes a demo! CASSCAT A tape cataloguer in the same format as the +D CAT 1, to screen or printer. LABELMAK Simple database program that prints out lists or labels. CLEARCUT Clears RAMTOP without a CLS. PAINTOUT Paintout a SCREENS DEVAL Removes VAL statements from programs. BANNEROL INPUT a text message which then scrolls across screen in giant letters. BASCAN Search a BASIC listing for a keyword or variable name etc. HOMESEC Program to help you find how secure your home is. SEMTEST Teach yourself semaphore. VLIST Record filer for video tape collections. Lists to screen or printer. CARSEC How secure is your car? Find out with this program. FASTDRAW Machine code draw routine. BORDTEXT Scrolls text in large letters across the top inside the BORDER! RELINO A one line basic routine to runumber the next basic line. TIME A Picture clock. SIDECOPY Use to load a SCREEN$ and COPY to a ZX printer sideways. CODESHIFTR Relocates many machine code programs. WORDSUM-T2 Word count for Tasword 2. LINESPLIT Splits and long BASIC line into 2 smaller ones. CHARMASTER Font/graphics designer. HOLD-IT A simple screen store utility LFLIPI A fast routine for flipping bytes. SPECMAP A full memory map display of the Spectrum's RAM. DISC-FILER Program database of your disk. Disciple or +D only. MIX-PIX Add screens together. CONVERTALL Gen. purpose unit convertor. Eg, gallons to litres etc. REM-MAKER Create a REM of any size, then fill it with full stops automatically. MYLINEAR Uses LINEAR INTERPLOATION to perform a calculation. MYGRAPH As above, but in graph form. TOPCAL Calender program, full printout option. NEWANGLE Section of a screen windowed, rotated an it's axis through any angle etc. RELINER Renumbers a single INPUT basic line. Handy for code in REMS. NUMALYSE Analyse a number or give all prime numbers lying between 2 chosen values BIBLEDAT A database prog. The demo is full of quotes from the Bible. FRACTREE Uses fractals to draw trees etc. TEXSORT Sorts Tasword 2 files into alphabetical order. ICLOCK Interrupt driven clock. POWER Calculate the cost of fuel bills in the home. FRACTALS Fractal triangles in machine code. PATGEN Simple but effective pattern generator. SOLVEX Variable equations. PURSEMPT House keeping analysis program. Adaptable for other uses. ONERROR Error trapping routine for your own basic programs. ROLLY Cylindrical scroller utility. STRAIGHT Test of skill to find the right parameters. MEGADEM Demo of what can be done with graphics using DEF FN and machine code, FLEXIDEMO Demo of FLEXIPAGE graphics display system by David Wornham. VARISAVE Extension of the saving of arrays. SNAPOKER Allows you to alter a +D disk snapshot. SCOPY Machine code utility to dump a SCREEN$ in a range of widths and densities. HARD 24.2 Variable hi-res screen dump in four formats for 24 pin printers. TAPESNP 128 & 48k Versions of a Plus D snapsnot to tape utility MEGACOPY +D Disc copy utility WIPESCREEN Screen wiping utility with 2 demo screens BITSCAN A relocatable utility to display an area in memory ADBASIC Advanced BASIC - new commands added JACKSOFT The JACKSOFT Assembler and tutor BYTESHIFT Move bytes around RAM easily DISKCOMP Compresses excess space on +D disks EDITASEM Editor & assembler HARDCOPY Modified hardcopy printer system for the +D UTIL004 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 KATALOG Create your own disk directories with this program RUN Microdrive utility package SPECTRACE BASIC Trace program TASDFUE Converts virtually ANY textfile to Tasword or PCG types TURBOTAPE Simple turboload creator - excellent and easy to use - one RAND USR! BASICII BASIC program structure modifier CATPRINTER Prints +D catalogue, but gives track & sector locations KALENDAR Extensive calendar system CIRCDESIGN Electronics circuit design program TRAFO Transformer/PSU constr. information program ROEMISCH Converts roman numerals and decimal numbers / dates etc. ZX81 Allows loading of ZX81 tapes OSCILLO Emulates an oscilloscope taking input via the tape socket COMLIN Fast plotter demo WORLDCLOCK Displays a world clock of most major cities COPYIT Very concise pair of tape copiers DCT The Dynamic Cracking Tool, with help documents HEADCHNG Changes filename headers on tape programs MDINFSYS Gives memory details on UDGS, Ramtop, freespace, vars, Basic & MD MEMSCAN Quickly scans the memory's contents and displays the results MULTICOLOR Have more than the standard Speccy colours by a simple mixing technique PLATINE Very comprehensive Circuit Designer program, in German but easy to use TK50 Toolkit with 50 excellent useful routines TOBOS Floating point BASIC COMPILER, turn your programs into code - 3 times faster! USCHI Another compiler, rather like TOBOS but smaller VARIBLIST Lists all the variables currently used VARSPRINT Lists all system variables and gives comprehensive info on them DATEX German datafiler program SECURIFILE Another filing program WORD Wonderful German wordprocessor with large helpfile DISCOP +D>OP Disciple to Opus copier DISASS Comprehensive disassembler program DISKMON +D Disk monitor / manager FILEMOVE-O Opus file copier FORMATCH-O Checks physical parameters of the Opus drive GENSTORN Convert GENS files to the PD TORNADO assembler SHELLSORT Quick shellsort program TEXTSEARCH Resides in Multiface, can find and alter ANY ASCII text DOSCOP OP Opus disk version of above. Package recommended for text files QUADRATIC Quadratic equation solver UTIL005 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 SEALRESCUE Seals bad sectors on microdrives & Opus disks CATACART Extended Microdrive Catalogue TRILOAD M.Drive & Opus menu loader & quick drive syntax ZAP M.Drive / Opus Block file Delete ZAPMODS New modifications for ZAP EXOCAT Extra microdrive cat info. Uses Andy Pennel's channel 14 CATKIT Microdrive toolkit with a great title screen! SMARTCART Faster version of EXOCAT, but does not display basic Lengths CAT&LOAD Select Microdrive / Opus files to load with a highlighted bar DATALOAD As UT127, but filenames are stored in DATA statements INCREMAT Format microdrive carts to 90-100k CARTOD Disciple, +D, Opus, M.drive Tape to disc program +D TOOL +D File copier and multi toolkit. Also tracks and fixes bad sectors +D BOOT Autoboot menu program. Very useful and fast PEEK@ Peek the +D's DOS system variables THINGI Turns the +D SNAP button into a Multiface style menu system DREAD Reveals extra directory info on the +D CLIPVTEW Handles viewing +D disks full of clip art TAPE-DISC 128k tape to +D disk copier SNAPSWAP Lets you alter the +D SNAPSHOT filename UNITRANS Copies tape to any microdrive syntax disk system (eg. Opus, MD, +D, Dspl.) RAMDISK Create up to a 40k Ramdisk on ANY Spectrum TORNADO Tornado Assembler GEN Excellent font and UDG editor program SAVINGS Savings program ELECALC Calculate ohms, power, resistance, capacitance and aerial length CALCULAR Convert all imperial and metric measurements DISS The excellent GARY STIMPSON "STIMPO" Disassembler MASTERCOPY 128k tape copier with several options PRINT 7 Creates a new printing channel OPUS EMUL Read Opus Discovery disks on a +D UNI DEMO Some simple graphics techniques for demo writers WINDOW X Emulate the Apple Mac's windows system SPECWORD Efficient, well presented 48 / 128k word processor SECTCOPY Beta DOS re-write of the +D copier program, now more reliable SECTSEARCH Searches through sectors for text on +D disks CUSTOM For 128 & +D. Customise the 128K's editor startup colours SLOWMO Use the +D to slow down the Spectrum CATPRINT Epson Catalogue printer for +D SIDEKICK Special program allows you to split the 128k into two separate 128's SYNTAX Alters programs with tape filing syntax to microdrive commands automatically FILEX A data filing system which uses NO arrays to store it's data QUICKLTST2 Improves the Basic LIST command LINESCAN Gives a full analysis when EDITing program lines in Basic SUPERMAG A full colour screen magnifier by Malcolm Goodman BASICTRACE A machine code program to trace basic programs with full details VARSGARD Protects variables from RUN or CLEAR commands VARSITGON2 Allows you to delete selected variables (useful to save space) CSIZE Emulate the SAM & BetaBasic character magnification command + extra functions UTIL006 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 FILEKOMPRESS Compress data and program files T3-T2 Converts Tasword 3 files to Tasword 2. (Microdrive version) T3-T2 Converts Tas 3 files to Tasword 2. (+D Version) FILESERV Lets the ZX Interface 1 send and receive files via the RS232 port EXBASIC Extended basic for the Interface 1 SUPERPOKER Poke strings of text into RAM SUPERMOVER A versatile code mover routine SUPAGRAFIX Routine which allows you to draw on a 256*192 pixel screen BLOCKNOVER Grab sections from screen pics and manipulate to your own wishes ASCII Converts ASCII text files into Basic. All details are in German DISCDOCTOR A comprehensive German +D disk utility FODESI Font designer M-DRIVER German microdrive utility package OPUSSEC Opus Discovery disk sector editor SPRITES Sprite creator / editor / animator TAPECHECK German header reader which caters for different loading speeds TAPELIST Prints out tape file details to printer TURDIS Real-time machine code disassembler TAS>DTP Converts Tasword files to DTP - information is in German MANAGER 128k Toolkit and utility package by demo coders BUSYSOFT SUPERMON Monitor / disassembler by BUSYSOFT HALLEY Very graphical Halley's comet program, displays all Solar system +D CALL Malcolm Goodman's program to call code stored in +D RAM SPECPANEL Font panel type MC monitor system COLORSTAR Colour printer driver for most Star colour printers DUMPY NOT PD The Bradway Software printer dump program for interfaces FUSSLOAD Multiface resident variable speed program save (inc. Turbo). From SU cover SPRITER Multiface resident font/screen/sprite - grabber/displayer/ inserter TASCAT Copy a +D disk catalogue to a Tasword 128 textfile ORDCHANGE NOT PD Re-order the files on a +D disk TASFIX V2 NOT PD Convert Tasword 128 to +D version and fix bugs SNAP-OUT NOT PD Adds a foolproof "exit to basic" key on the +D snapshot - like on M.face OPUSCOPIER Catalogue & copy files from Opus disks to +D automatically DATASHIELD Protects +D disks from standard SAVE command BETAPUZZLE NOT PD Slide puzzle for BetaBasic BETAJUSTIFY NOT PD Multi-sized justified text routing for BB BETADISTORT NOT PD Screen distorter program for BB BETADRAW NOT PD Draws patterned boxes and lines in BetaBasic JUMPER Jump to any Basic line and statement from a RANDOMIZE USR command TOGGLER Malcolm Goodman's ROUTE48 system updated, more +3 comparable SCROLL Smooth, well presented upward scroll like ones used in TV credits SCREEN VIEW Screen$ processor program (copy/view etc.) UTIL007 A collection of mixed utilities on this +D disk or tape. Many of these utils will work on a +3 PRESSOR Screen editor and compressor MR PACK File packer, as used by most demo coders INOF Re-formats a +D disk directory so you can add a file at position one KOVACS Tape copier with clock timer SUPERBAUD Variable speed file loader, can handle many turbos HEADLESSLOAD Like other headerless loaders but allows you to alter accumulator IFF-SPEC Converts from Amiga IFF picture format to Spectrum TURBO COMPILER Another Basic compiler. Comes with comprehensive tutor MMMOS Simple microdrive operating system menu program AMPLIFI NOT PD Transistor amplifier designer CABLAGE NOT PD Wire scheduler EPROM NOT PD Software for an Eprom programmer TRANSISTOR NOT PD Transistor calculator ZENER NOT PD Gives advice on selecting zener and Light Emitting diodes OHMCALC NOT PD An Ohms law calculator CIRCDRAW NOT PD Circuit designer and drawer program CIRCUTTK NOT PD Allows you to draw circuits five times the screen size TOROIDS NOT PD Toroidal cores calculator (inductance) PARA/SERIE NOT PD Advice on resistors in parallel and serial, plus capacitor inductance RESTORE2 Restore an erased file from a +D disk LOOK IN D Gives further details of the +D disk Directory CATTER Save the catalogue as a file, handy for recovery after a sector error OPEN-T-CON Convert standard +D OPENTYPE files to Tasword 128 +D files BUGTEST Nice display of the bugs in Betados and how M. Kinloch fixed them DISKEDITOR Revised. The best +D sector editor utility on or off the market MULTIBASIC NOT PD New +D commands to access the Multiface RAM in Basic MULTIDEMOS NOT PD Demos showing how versatile the above program is. With help textfile MULTISTORE2 NOT PD Special Disciple version of Multiface 128 MAXIRAM NOT PD Get the full use of the Disciple MF128 memory SOFTCOPY Will copy any on screen text / UDGs to a PRINT statement SNAPFIX Fix the bug in the +D's Snapshot button. With helpfile MFRAMDISK Revised version for IF1 or +D. New commands to treat MF as a "ramdisk" RETURN A +D EXECUTE file to help you sort out lost RETURN commands GRAPHS Lets you draw very good various types of graphs with demos DISKDOC A +D disk doctor. Unerase, bitmap files plus lots of info. TASREADER NOT PD Will display OPENTYPE +D Tasword textfiles without needing Tasword INDEX +D indexing database allowing up to 9 fields. With helpfile MICROREAD Read or convert a +D MICRODRIVE file. Comes with example MINI VIEW ASCII file viewer INSIDE Shows the technical inner workings of the Spectrum and Spectrum+ BLOCKMAKER Make animations from parts of screen$ files. With helpfile and demo pix BIGSHOT Various size text printer, for letterheads, posters etc. Buttercraft Soft. +3 UTILS Tape or +3 disk Requires both sides of a 3" disk, a single 3.5" disk or a C90 cassette. P3UTILS001 48DISK Puts the computer in 48k mode and retains FULL USE of ALL DRIVES! Comes with a help file in Tasword 2 format CATALL Checks all disk user areas - V.FAST CATCHUP Gives a disk catalogue of over 64 filenames CATSCAN Scan through an extra large disk catalogue, places filename in F$ CATUSER Gives a full catalogue listing (over 64 files) to screen or printer - copes with all user areas COMPRESS Compresses text, code etc. CRUNCH3 File crunch/extractor DISCCRIP Needs a 3.5" B: Drive. SHAREWARE from Dominic Morris. Registered version reads, writes and even formats a disk to +D standard. This is a very powerful piece of software, and HIGHLY recommended. You thought CONVERT and TRANS was good - this makes these programs obsolete!! DU53 Improvement on DU52. Multi formatter for the +3, even does PC disks! Comes with a Tasword 2 help file EDIS Sector editor, useful for copying boot sectors of cloned disks. Comes with a Tasword 2 helpfile EXCAT Program to give extra info on a CAT. Drive A or B supported M3CONV Converts MIRAGE MICRODRIVER snapshot files to work on the +3. Comes with a help file in Tasword 2 format RELABEL For use with FORMAT - give your disks a title to help ID them SHUFFLER Great new 128 tape copier, with helpfile SLOWDOWN For +3's using 3.5" drive, use the drive & 'puter MUCH faster. Comes with a Tasword 2 helpfile SPECBENCH NOT PD! Give your +3/+2a a workbench style disk operating system! T2PRINT Program to load and Print to an Epson printer Tasword 2 files in 128k mode TAPER Disk to tape auto transfer - Very good! TOOLKIT NOT PD! Ben Douglas' selective file copier for A/B drives ZIPZAP By Omega Software, the best ENGLISH A: drive sector editor/monitor ADMIN Disk utility - CATS, ERASES, FORMATS, Print etc. BFORMAT Format +3 3.5" B: drive disks to 710k - the PCW system standard CONVERT Converts +D disk files to the 3" drive, needs 3.5" drive B: DIRETORY Very fast +3 directory program, lots of options DISCDUMP Dump a +3 173K disk image to tape, then restore later. Excellent program, but only copes with normal +3 format (173K) disks DISCKIT +3 Selective A-B copier with a disk check utility for A: drive DISCTAPE Automatic/manual disc to tape copier DOCTOR Repairs damaged areas of a +3 disk, but may have to erase bad files. Spanish DRVUSER Simple copier of files between disks and user areas DU52 Excellent multi sized formatter. Comes with help file im Tasword 2 format FILEHEAD Program to give full file specs on disks FORMAT Variable A: drive formatter. Comes with a Tasword 2 helpfile HEADCOPY Simple tape to disc copier HEADLOAD Redefine +3 disk filenames and types HIFORM Chris Pile's excellent high capacity 203K disk formatter INTEGRAL Amstrad type +3 utility. Copy A-B, diskcheck etc. MEGAMAT Alternative +3 B: drive 800k formatter with lots of information. Doesn't work with most drives! MONITOR +3 disk monitor, quite good PARAM Makes the +3 internal drive faster & quieter PROTETOR Protect or unprotect +3 disks, like commercial companies do READER Gives comprehensive details of +3 disk files ROM0 +3 ROM 0 image ROM1 +3 ROM 1 image These are exact images of the +3 ROM2 +3 ROM 2 image system ROMs - now PD ROM3 +3 ROM 3 image SECTOR Another +3 sector editor, very comprehensive SLOWDOS Shareware from D. Morris. Read, write and format PC disks on +3 3.5" B: drive SOFTROM Creates a ROM image in RAM and lets you alter it! SUPERMAT A: drive formatter. 192K per side! TAPEDISC Automatic or manual tape to disk copier TRANS1_2 Transfers files from 3" drive onto a +D disk in drive B ULTRA208 Format a disk to 208k per side. Not recommended for reliable use UNFRAG Spectrum equivalent of the PC's DEFRAG command P3UTILS002 +3 disk ONLY, NOT available on tape! MASTERFILE The excellent +3 disk database program from Campbell Systems. Pro quality! MASTERDOCS The Masterfile +3 user manual. Not a "helpfile", but the FULL manual. These are large files IN TASWORD +3 format only BIAS Have an assembler BUILT INTO the 48k ROM, just like the BBC. Gives new cmds. P3RECOVER Restores accidentally erased files from a +3 disk. Fine if you accidentally erase a whole disk, else pretty useless. Excellent for fixing disks that fall foul of the +3 bug that erases all files on the destination drive should the source file be "not found". A: drive only (does not cope with B: drives). BLOCKER 720 Every now and then, a utility program comes along that after using for just a few days, you wonder how you ever managed without it. A good example is HIFORMAT and BFORMAT. Now, this little gem will test every track on your B; drive and lock out any bad sectors that may be lurking un-noticed. Only copes with disks formatted with BFORMAT, but this is the most widely used B: drive formatter anyway. By Graham Collier MULTICAT A:/B: drive catalouger, file un-delete program. Again by Graham Collier, this utility plugs a gap in the +3 util marketplace. Great stuff! Masterfile +3 Manual As a service to our customers, the Masterfile +3 user manual is available as a printed booklet, priced at œ1 to cover costs of printing etc. P3UTILS003 +3 disk ONLY If required on tape, order from the normal utils section. These are not +3 versions as such, they simply load and work okay from disk. ANSIGRAFS ANSI graphics program. ARROW Interrupt driven moveable arrow pointer around the screen BANNEROL INPUT a text message which then scrolls across screen in giant letters. BASCAN Search a BASIC listing for a keyword or variable name etc. BILL Menu driven bill calculator. Weekly, quarterly or annual options. BITPOKER Set or reset a single bit of any byte in memory BORDTEXT Scrolls text in large letters across the top inside the BORDER! CARSEC How secure is your car? Find out with this program. CIRC High speed circles. CLEARCUT Clears RAMTOP without a CLS. COPYTAPE Reliable tape copier, handles up to 40k in 48k mode COUNTER A short basic utility for a neat counter display CSD Daniel Cannon's Character set designer DISS Full machine code disassembler utility & instructions DUBPIN Utility to turn a 9 pin dot matrix printer into a 16 pin machine DUBTEX Double height text routine. EDITOR Program to alter the 128K editor's colour scheme FASTDRAW Machine code draw routine FORTH Slow but reliable Forth Interpreter GRAF Graphic sound to light display HEDREAD Tape file header reader, useful for manual tape to disk transfers HISCORES Hi-score subroutine system for inclusion in your own games HLESS Program to load and save headerless tape files HOLD-IT A simple screen store utility HOMESEC Program to help you find how secure your home is. LEAVER Merge into your programs to copy and move lines to use elsewhere MEM Various programs to give bytes used / free and program length MEMFIL Use to fill an area of memory with any value instantly MENU Machine code program to replicate the 128k menus, very easy to use MIX-PIX Add screens together MYGRAPH As below, but in graph form MYLINEAR Uses LINEAR INTERPLOATION to perform a calculation NEWANGLE Section of a screen windowed, rotated an it's axis through any angle etc NEWCLEAR Clears streams on any Spectrum NUMALYSE Analyse a number or give all prime numbers lying between 2 chosen values OVALTEEM Fast outline & filled oval display routine POSLIST Prints a list, screen or printer of positions of the 16 * 16 DUBPTN fonts POURER 'Pours' a screen picture onto the screen REFORM Change 64 column files into reformatted 32 column RELOC Move code around RAM with automatic address relocating SAMPLER Audio sampler program SC128 The best 128k tape copier. Can handle 125k files! SCROLL Four machine code screen scrollers (one for each direction) SCROLL2 Create your own triple height text scrollys SEMTEST Teach yourself semaphore SPECMAP A full memory map display of the Spectrum's RAM STARTER Creates a colourful front end for inclusion of your own games STREAMS Gives all details on stream and channel usage SWITCH Switch between three 16k programs in the 48k at once TASVIEW View Tasword 2 files without the need of Tasword TIME A Picture clock TOOLS Good basic programming toolkit TOPCAL Calender program, full printout option UTILS1 Screen resident UDG & Font editor program UTILS2 Screen resident 128k ZX print, block line delete and renumber utility VECTOR 3D wireframe vector graphics. VLIST Record filer for video tape collections. Lists to screen or printer WINDOW Romanian program to place a window around the screen WRAPPER Neatly Tabulates and wordwraps all text written in DATA statements ZOOM Magnify any part of the screen to various degrees